Friday, March 7, 2008

Musings from the mission...

I woke up this morning with alot of thoughts running through my head that I wanted to share with you all and most especially with my kids and those that are parents now. The longer that we are out on this mission the more I am realizing what a dangerous world we live in and how real Satan is. When Dad and I were in our training in the MTC the first Sunday there we had a sacrament meeting with President Hinckley and one of the comments that he made was that we would see the workings of Satan more powerfully during the mission than at any time before in our lives and that has definitely been true! But we are also seeing how the Lord is bringing things forth to help us especially as parents to raise our children in righteousness despite living in such a wicked environment. Beginning with the Proclamation on the Family that clearly states who we are and why we are here on the earth and our responsabilities as parents, to the constant emphasis on the Family Home Evening, family prayer and scripture study the Lord is preparing us and the tools we need to protect and fortify our families. I feel that the coming forth of Preach My Gospel was inspired and brought forth to help us raise a generation prepared to welcome the Savior! If we don't do it who will? We have a tremendous responsability to fortify our children daily... I am not saying these things to frighten anyone but I think we have to be aware of the dangers that are out there and do those things that will protect our families. I am so grateful that we followed the prophets counsel when our family was young and we tried to read the scriptures together and pray together daily and have our family home evenings and I know we were far from perfect in our endeavors but I can see that the Lord blessed our family simply because we tried. Don't get discouraged when things don't go like you want---just keep trying and being diligent and the Lord will help you. When your kids get older start using Preach My Gospel for FHE it is such a great way to teach the gospel and to have it understood even by the very youngest. Dad and I are learning so much and some days I wish I could start all over raising my family with the knowledge that I have now but I can't---but take it from me you will be blessed if you follow the prophet! Last of all go to the temple as often as you can and you will find great peace there and inspiration to lead your little ones. We love you all and miss each and everyone of you and wish we could just reach out and touch you!! Hugs and kisses to Porter, Maya, Bennett, Benjamin and Ryan Claire! May God bless you always!


Angela said...

I really love reading your blog thank you for your testimony. We are trying to follow the good example you both have been and continue to be for us, in raising Benji. I can feel the blessings when with our efforts. Thanks again keep posting or us.

Sarah Harward said...

Okay, I know I'm not really one of your kids, but thank you so much for writing this! It was just what I needed. Hope you guys are doing great!!

Nicole said...

Thank you so much for Ryan's easter presents. The dress is too cute, I love that it's yellow.

Suz said...

Thanks Peggy for sharing those thoughts, I makes me want to better tommorrow than I did today.