Monday, March 31, 2008

A few more photos of what we have been up to...

Went to Sicuani for stake conference with Elder Nash, had change week and then zone leader council and then went to Andahuaylus for another zone conference, back to Lima and then off to Cusco, Abancay for District conference back to Cusco and then off again to Quillabamba and then Valle Sagrado for another district and zone conference and we finally got back today after 12 days of traveling...phew...its our life what can I say!


Thehseen said...

I gather from your writings that you guys are missionaries who live in Peru. I appreciate that you are trying to instill good values in your kids. All those who have faith and are righteous are my brethren. Keep up the good work.

leigh said...

all that running around must be making you lose weight, because you look skinnier in those pictures.

Also - I don't even know how you have any time to blog, with all those mission responsibilities.

Stephanie said...

And no commentary on the gun/rifle whatever you are holding? Peggy you know how to tease us all with just a picture.

Amanda said...

Thanks for the update! We sure miss you guys. Just yesterday we were riding in the car and out of the blue Porter started talking about when you made him that cape for his general grevious doll. It sure made him happy! Also we got the other two packages today! Maya was so stoked about her pony and they were both extatic about the gum and nerds (Maya calls them Mudskipper candies - she thinks the cartoon drawing of a nerd on the box looks like a mudskipper). They are both loving their shoes. Thank you so much! Oh and I agree with leigh you are lookin' great!