Friday, January 23, 2009

Musings on the Mission....

Well, Jeff and I have been feeling very remorseful that we have been so terrible at keeping a journal of this mission. He claims that if I didn't spend so much time reading everyones else's blogs and start to write more in mine that we would have a pretty good history. As of right now everything seems to be a big blur in the past but after this week which included another one our "getting stuck in Andahuaylus" experiences I thought I would begin again. The only problem I see with putting this on our blog page is that you all may be bored to tears like Rob and Brisa were when they watched "Errand of Angels" about a day in the life of a sister missionary....only another sister missionary would really appreciate the movie!
It seems that almost everytime we attempt to fly in or out of Andahuaylus our plane is either canceled or the smoke blows in or the winds are too high or, as was the case this time, the pilot was afraid to land! Curses!! So there we sat high up on the mountain as we watched our little 18 passenger plane circle the airport and then fly away much to the chagrin of all the customers, well, all 6 of us there waiting. What it meant was that we could wait until the next day and hope that the piot would want to come again and get us (because the plane only flys once a day) or go back into town and look for a way to get to Cusco. Since we had Zone conference in Lima the next day we opted for driving to Cusco and catching an early flight to Lima since Cusco has flights that leave early in the morning which would get us back in time. So we drove the 45 minutes back to town and went to the bus terminal to see what there was available to ride in and ended up renting a 8 passanger van driven by Lucho and his brother. It is an 8 hour trip over curving unpaved mountain roads and so not one that I relish doing very often but luckily I had my supply of "gravol" anti-nausea medicine to keep us all from getting sick. Most of the missionaries throw up on the drive to Andahuaylus! The plus side of the whole trip is that we were entertained by Lucho and his brother who talked the whole way and wanted to know all about life in the states and "that black guy Obama". We in turn tried to convert them but gave up when the raod became so bumpy and noisy that you could hardly think straight! Half way throught he trip we came upon a giant Eucalyptus tree that had fallen across the road and blocked both lanes and so all the men int he van had to get out and try and move it and did I mention that it was raining? Well, we finally drug into Cusco at 9:00 at night and got a pretty good nights sleep at our home away from home "the Jose Antonio" and tried to hook up with the three amigos but couldn't get ahold of them. (For those of you that don't know who the three amigos are they are: Jim Rippy, Mike Metcalf and Chris Olsen and they came down to Peru to visit the sights and we are hoping to get to see them this weekend.) Anyway, when we got up in the morning and went to the airport there was a huge line of people and apparently they had cancelled our flight!! Double curses!! So here we were stuck once again until the 9:30am flight left, so Jeff changed zone conference to Friday and set up interviews for the know that ride you used to love as a kids where you ran around pushing the merry go round faster and faster until you had to fling yourself on and hold on for dear life? Well, that is kind of what our mission feels like most just run as hard as you can and hope not to be thrown off the ride!!
Today we had our zone conference and it was so great and the spirit was so strong and as I looked out over the sea of faith-filled faces I thought this is what makes it all worthwhile these great missionaries and their great spirits and their love for the work and the made all the long drive from Andahuaylus to Cusco worthwhile.


Casey said...

this is just to let you know that I read your post and lived to tell about it. Man, what a novel, certainly no "Errand of Angels" but it was great to hear what you guys have been doing lately.

Angela said...

Glad to read your posts again...what run around you have we made the switch go ahead and add our new address to your blog list so you can keep getting distracted by your kids blogs :)